It flew round for about 45secs staying in view all the time and then flew high into a tree in between the lake and the path down to the car park and stayed there for 5 mins before flying off across the front of the hide and away towards the river.
ps. someone there had forgotten to switch his camera to autofocus and therefore didn't get any pics and shouted something about people working in pubs which I couldn't quite comprehend (think it was bar steward or something like that) I hadn't changed my settings and was trying to grab camera from bag and the 3rd chap there (very nice guy called Stephen) who was in the same steep learning curve as me a few years ago (still steep now actually) pointed his Mr Nikon and got 2 superb photos which he was absolutely elated about. Went there this morning before work and as I walked into the hide it took of and didnt come back but was consoled by some great views of a Little Grebe and a couple of Tufted Ducks and some great Swallow and Martin watching.
Hi, its Alan who was at Gossie Park with you earlier on Saturday. Thanks for sharing. There'll be standing room only at the weekend.
Is this the hairy Kingfisherman you are talking about John??
There always seems to be regular sightings down at Clockburn Lake of "The Blue Flash"
Lovely birds - I saw one today along the Ouseburn, whizzing past under the bridge by the Cluny... by the time I even thought about a photo it was gone......
Alan, its always standing room when Stu is there with his cameras and bags and lunch.
John, yes mate. Never been to Clockburn Lake, must give it a go when I find out where it is.
Phil, I pop down the Ouseburnat least once ever couple of weeks in search of the elusive but buggered if I can spot one.
spot on - got lucky at GP this afternoon - it's been seen 3 dasy on a trot now....
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