Monday 9 July 2012

Bit of a Cock Up

For those of you who read my last blog I would like to apologise for a couple of factual errors and bloody atrocious English.  In my flimsy defense I had decided to watch Wallander (starring Kenneth Branagh) which turned out not to be a patch on the original version so I nodded off and when I awoke I decided it was time to do a blog so off I went still in a bit of a dopey state (but then again aren't I always), so the voice recognition system had got a few things wrong (Geordie is hard enough to recognise at the best of times but when its slurred!!!) so when I started checking it through but obviously my own brain recognition system didn't work at 100% either.  I have amended the blog and would like to thank the Proof Reader who pointed out the errors and omissions.


Johnnykinson said...

I always reckon a cock up is better than a cock down.

Johnnykinson said...

............and not only r u a trekkie but also a wallbderie, the foreign version at that. Wor lass will be falling in love with you, i reckon.
And you've got transport !

Shields birder said...

Sound job, keep up the great blog...nee one gets passed my english!