Saturday, 13 July 2013

More Beasties But From Big Waters This Time

After the Cumbrian Beasties we now have a few Beasties from Big Waters.  On Sunday it was Butterfly City at Big Waters with plenty of  Ringlets, Meadow Browns and Skippers thrown in with the odd 5 Spot Burnet Moth and a couple of strange Moths, have ordered a moth book (sad me) so I can try and find out what I am seeing without resorting to hunting through Google and just look at pretty pictures instead.  Carole has made me promise not to buy one of them "funny lamps" and leave it outside to attract them horrible looking things.   

Meadow Brown
 Small Skipper

5 Spot Burnet Moth

Came across this Exuviae in the Dipping Pond but am not sure
which Beastie came crawling from it
(Any idea Mr Sedgie?)

 I have seen a few moths flying around and am familiar with
them, whilst not knowing their names, but the one below was
new to me, so until Amazon deliver my new Moth book I
will stay in ignorance (unless someone helps me stop being ignorant)
My thanks to those who replied are in my comments
Straw Hat Moth

The Common Tern young are coming along fabulously and despite
what it says in the blurb on the video, which I will change soon, I saw one
of them do a couple of laps around the island on Thursday 11 Jul although
on a couple of occasions it did drop into the water and have great difficulty
getting out (I think they are the first fully fledged ones around)

Finally a contribution from one of my cub reporters
"Charlie S"

"Feeding Time"

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