Crimdon Dene early Saturday morning and great birds. First on the agenda was the Little Terns, had only seen them previously from a distance but they were flying around very low all over the beach. At times there was at least 20 in the air.
On the beach were Ringed Plover and Dunlin.
A few Sandwich Tern also occassionally flew overhead mixing in with the Little Terns. Offshore there were plenty of Gulls and lots of Gannets diving. In the middle of the diving Gannets was a Red Throated Diver, my first. After about an hour we eventually found the bird we were looking for, a Dotterel. Watched it through the scope for a while but couldn't see it properly as it was asleep (I think) on one leg moved round at an angle to try and see it properly and got a couple of passable record shots.
There were also quite a lot of Meadow Pipits around, this one cooling itself down in the blazing heat
We then went down to Dormans Pool which has become a bit of a favourite of mine recently and lucked into 4 Little Egret, a Greenshank and yet another Black-Tailed Godwit. Unfortunately its really only a place to view although still cant resist to get the impossible shot of a Little Egret from about 350m. For those who dont know what a Little Egret looks like you still wont from this photo (psst - its the white blob)
Just in time also for a view of the seals coming up Greatham Creek for a sunbathe
Sunday morning up and away at Sparrowfart, stopping off at East Chevington where the water on the main lake seems to have evaporated ! leaving large patches of mud which was filling up with birds

We then moved on to our main destination, the Spindelstone area. Upon arrival there was a really quite spectacular Buzzard on show which we stood and watched for quite a while (later on we bumped into a couple of other birders who had saw 2 quite close and when we left we saw another 3). Unfortunately the wind became exceptionally strong at times finding it difficult to walk and eventually taking shelter in one of the hides. Even in there the wind was still penetrating although at the same time it was still intolerably hot/humid. We saw quite a few "things" including plenty of Greater Spotted Woodpecker both in the hides and on the edges of the woods, Great, Blue and Long Tailed Tits, Pied Wagtails, Yellowhammers and loads of Chaffinches. On the waters were Tufted Ducks, Mallards, Moorhens and quite a few Damsel and Dragonflies. Also there was quite a variety of Butterflies although everything was being blown around at a fantastic rate of knots.

Also moving around was a Fox cub which appeared several times always looking inquisitive
Finally to finish off a very obliging Pied Wagtail who came to consume some proffered seed