A bit of an improvement in the weather, emphasis on the bit, allowed me to get out slightly earlier in the morning although gone are the days when I would lollop over to Lamesley, amble to Arcot or sully over to Shibdon for 15-20mins before work. The bloody astronomical rise in petrol has seen to this and I could point the finger at the government, the previous government, the Saudis, struggles for democracy in far flung places, garage owners or oil companies but I personally think all are to blame one way or another. Having worked/existed/holidayed in the far flung places Im not blaming them. The rest of them are to blame one way or another. Anyway thats my whine over. So taking the above into consideration a walk along the Tyne for 30mins is all my pocket can manage. A bit of early morning sunlight on a Shelduck is a great start to the day. Looking westwards along the Tyne I could see between 6 to 10 most mornings along with Curlews, Redshanks, Teals and plenty of Gulls

At the weekend my first port of call was of course Big Waters with once again the star of the show being the Mealy Redpoll although quite a few others were seen including 3 Shoveller, 7 Curlew, 7 Goldeneye, a Ringed Plover and an outstanding count of 14 Coot.
Off down to North Shields for a couple of bits of shopping and a stop off on the Fish Quay for a relaxing lunch of Pie and Chips. Not liking to eat alone I asked a couple of passing strangers to share my sustenance they both accepted although their topics of conversation could have been a bit more intellectual
Hadn't been to Holywell for a while so off I went but alas there was very little apart from a few Pinkfeet, 40 or so Greylag in the field behind the hide and from the hide plenty of Gulls, a few Pochard but the only thing in camera range was this absolutely stunning (although the picture isn't) Tuftie.
The sun started to come out so I decided on a fast wander round St Marys. It was around high tide time so everyone there was congregated in one place with lots of dogs running around. I went over to the wooden screen just in time to see a dog running along the top of the embankment causing the birds in the wetlands to skedaddle.
On Sunday the beloved and I headed for Holy Island, arriving very early and only a couple of cars in the Car Park gave us an opportunity for a decent 3 hr walk around. A couple of Bar Tailed Godwit, a Ruff and plenty of Brent Geese were seen. Plenty of Eider on the sea and at least half a dozen big (80+) skeins of geese high overhead.
It was still a bit brisk when we headed into Berwick for a bite to eat but we both opted for a big mixed grill instead of the traditional Sunday Lunch. A wander round the harbour afterwards to get the circulation then a little wander up the Tweed with nearly a 100 Goldeneye on show. Off South stopping at Hauxley but failing to see the Barn Owl again. A great day out