Well, after reading loads of blogs for quite a while I decided it was time to concoct one of my own. Whilst it may primarily be about wild life the occasional mention of one of my own Juveniles may appear, thereby keeping them informed on what their parents are doing and what their other siblings and our many Grandkids are doing.
Im just a beginner in the bird watching although I have been "just looking" at them for many years, normally from the car on a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday with a big Ice Cream in my hand purring contentedly, note the Greater Spotted Better Half bringing sustenance.
Well, after getting my car fixed, Garage said it would be only an hour so I could wait, guess what... I spent over 2hrs outside the Garage at the Silverlink looking at Birds (take my small binos and camera everywhere). Spotted my first Greenfinch (now any birder reading this will know how much of a beginner I am - well I think it is a Greenfinch, if anyone can correct me please do.

Eventually arrived home to find Better Half (BH) sitting outside with both the bikes waiting for a ride to the Silverlink. Whilst there I bumped into a nice bike rider chappie who knew a bit about birds so off I went for a bit of brain borrowing. Found out from him that there was a 2nd pond in the north part, bloody hell, only been going there for bike rides and walks for over 2 years.
After the ride we sped off to Newcastle to catch Greggs on West Road (my BH likes the brown bread for the "birdies") then off to cross the border into Durham, thank god we are in the EU, didnt need our passports.
Arrived at Shibdon for our first walk round, we previously had only fed the birds at the South side of the pond along with Zillions of others (the ducks here must be the fattest in the North East). Half way round the skies opened, we had spotted a hide with at least 4 people in on the other side so headed round the lake (HAHA when we found the deadend) walked back to the hide getting wetter and wetter and when we eventually got there found it locked. Googled it when I got home, now understand the words keys, buy, Gateshead Council.
Started off for home when the BH said do we have to, nowt on telly, so when its chucking down and you dont really want to get out of the car you head for Bolam Lake. Sat there for over an hour pleasantly watching the Chaffys, Tits, Robins, Blackbirds etc pick the food off the walls. Carole is furiously looking thru Bird Books to see what some of them are, she is still doing it now sitting behind me whilst I do this.
Then back home, unfortunately my sat nav isnt the best in the world so it took us via Seaton Deleval (Ice Cream - Yummy). Stopped off for half an hour at St Marys, saw about 10 Cormorants, loads of Black Headed and Herring Gulls and 3 (normally see only 2) Oystercatchers.
Not a bad day out, even the bloody rain couldn't spoil it completely - heres a couple of photos I took during the day - anyone know what they are ?

Well thanks to everyone who helped me, unwittingly of course, start Blogging.
Alan Tilmouth - Great Blogs
Stewart - Boulmer Birder
and all those other Bird/Wild Life Bloggers
Thanks for the mention, don't worry about being a beginner we all started somewhere and we all still make mistakes, it's part of the learning process. The birds above in the final shots are Dunnocks. Will drop a link into the next Further Reading post on BNE so you should get a few people coming over to check you out. If your ever stuck for ID drop me an email.
Your blog is really nice. don't worry about being a beginner. I appreciate your information. I love birds. Thank you for sharing your first blog...
psp speicherkarte
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