This "Greater Crested" AWACs flew round the coast near St Marys Island for over an hour on Tuesday evening. When I lived near Geilenkirchen in Germany we saw them all the time and had the opportunity to get inside one on a couple of occassions. I have never seen them round here though.
Also at St Marys there was a substantial amount of Curlews although they were scattered all over which was different from normal as they tended to congregrate in 2 places on the foreshore to the South of the lighthouse and the field at the back of Nature Reserve.
A trip to Killie Lake on Sunday to see the Great Crested Grebes was extremely fruitful, we sat and watched a pair and their 3 chicks going about their normal routine, over the hour that we watched them the male (presume it was the male) went up the far end of the lake and back 7 times and brought a fish back each time. The same chick rode on the mothers back all the time till the last few minutes then as soon as it was "dumped" off another one jumped on. When we left we decided to go to the smaller lake and bugger me if there wasnt another Grebe with one chick only, it seemed to be doing the babysitting and the feeding as we watched for another 40mins but there was no sign of a partner even after a good sweep with the bins.

Couldnt pluck up the wherewithawl to go out tonight so just sat and looked out of the window, watching birds and caught the 10min docu on BBC2 about the Terns.
Heyup Codders
Those AWACS have been around for a few weeks now... We see them a few times a week coming in to land at Newcastle..... They often fly right over our house in Cramlington on approach to the airport... a couple of weeks ago I saw 3 in succession all lined up and coming in to land !!
Thats amazing - how come the government can afford that many when the cost of one would probably pay for upgrades of the ARVs (Armoured Reconaissance Vehicles) that the lads are using in Afghanistan.
PS - Adore your blog man - its so cool
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