Saturday Morning 0530 at the Airport waiting for son and family arriving from Florida. After everyone seemed to come out I phoned son and he answered promptly, where are you, Im in bed says he, why didnt you tell me you had come back early, I havent says he, Im in Bed in Florida. SHIT says I. Guess who had the day wrong and was £6 poorer for the parking.
Anyway went to pick the beloved up and head for Cresswell, got to Cresswell just in time for the wife to take a bit "ill", headed back home, put her to bed, sorted everything out, shopping, washing, feeder replenishment. Wife said go, I argued she was ill and I would stay (not convincingly) so off I went. Got to Cresswell, loads of birds on the pond and a few people in the hide who obviously all knew each other. They were recounting all the birds they had seen and which country they were going to next, ah look a Woodie says one, behind the 3 dunlin next to the sanderling, 2 back from the Curlew Sandpiper or something like that, 4 of them dive to their scopes and withing 5 secs all replied affirmatively. Im impressed, there is about 500 birds out there on the bar moving around so I keep my mouth shut and look intently through my Bins. After about 5 mins I think I spot it and am quite chuffed. They all leave after various beepers and phone calls happen. I immediately get my 2 books out my cheap scope and am scanning the pond properly by god was there some birds there.
Later on I head to Cambois by the houses, never looked there before but remember lots of birds being there when I used to fish. Loads of Turnstones, Ringed Plover, Redshank and Starlings (100s of them). Popped in to Big Waters on the return for an hour or so.

Ringed Plover and Turnstone and plenty of rubbish
Next Morning off again at sparrows far to pick the son up, this time he appeared, once again another £6 to park, should have just given him the money and told him to get a taxi. Back to the house check wife is still living, she insists she does not want to spoil my weekend (have already missed 2 sessions at Big Waters) so make her a bit of brekkie (tea and toast) then off I go to Big Waters. A kindly Snipe (my first) posed for photos for a good while.
Whilst there I noticed that the weed on the lake had reduced considerably, the photo of the Kingfisher taken by Carole a couple of weeks ago shows him trying to find a fish supper amongst all the weed - he was there for nearly 25mins and just gave up in the end.
Next morning after once again pampering to the wifes needs, bought her a couple of soap mags on Sunday which made her quite happy even though she was still feeling a bit dicky. On the way to Big Waters, I encountered this Robin which sang for over 10 mins while I just stood watching. About 20m away on the other side of the Boardwalk was another bird singing absolutely superbly which I did not recognise but on entering the hide a Song Thrush flew through being chased by a Blackbird

A young Dunnock popped in and out most of the Morning and I got some great phots of him/her.
When the Buzzard below flew over and every birds scattered to the 4 corners, the chap with me had just put his Supa Dupa Camera away and so all I got was this. BTW, I thought Buzzards were Scavengers so why did all the birds hop it.

Later on that night I popped down to St Marys, for a quick walk round. Went through Whitley Bay and noticed that most of the girls celebrating Bank Holiday Monday had less cloth covering them than the one I carry in my pocket to wipe my bins on. Went slowly and sat on a stone trying not to disturb the birds in the North Bay and after 10 mins the Turnstones, Ringed Plover, Redshanks, Sanderling, Curlew, Herons etc had resettled and some were within 5m of me, the light by this time was getting quite bad so I only took a couple of pics, quite happy to sit and watch. POOF everything scarpered, heard footsteps approaching from behind and this young lady (about 30) walked up to me with a minute camera and asked would I mind if I was in some of the photos she was going to take of the birds as they seemed to be attracted to me. Carry on says I gesticulating with my arm to look, aahhhh they have all gone says she and walks away heading towards the next gully where all the "POOF and up goes a bunch of Oystercatchers" guess what were.
Its now Tuesday night and the wife is feeling better, she even asked me to go out for an hour to St Marys to get a bit of Fresh Air and see a few Birds (might have had something to do with the bunch of flowers I brought home). Sat her down, took pulse and temp and mentioned that this would encroach into Soap hour, not bothered says she (Now I know she is ill). Went down there anyway, well wrapped up and needed it after 30mins as it started to pee down. Carole never moved watching the Sanderling running around like little lunatics only 5m from us, eventually back into the car and drove to near the viewing holes and sat in the car with the east facing window down and watching all the birds on the beach until 1945 Carole said better get back now, Holby is on at 8, knew it wouldnt last
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