An early visitor was the Kingfisher who just dosent seem to be phased by all the other birds around unlike a few other Kingfishers I have seen who are up and away at the slightest noise or the nearness of another bird.

One of the Otters made its obligatory appearance moving the birds on the lake around which gives one a closer view of the ones who tend to hang out near the far end. Unfortunately the Otter knows just where we are and tends to keep just out of camera range or does a Jacques Costeau and stays underwater till it gets to the reeds then moves around about 10m from the hide but never comes into view.
Most of the morning was spent watching these 4 Snipe parading around and trying to avoid the resident "Mental Backward Walking Moorhen" they are just spectacular birds with that X Factor.
A quick trip home to pick up the beloved and then our first visit to Plessey Woods. Its a great place for a walk although not too much wildlife can be seen. Even though we arrived at about 9.45am there was a lot of people around already and we were the only ones without dogs. A lot of them were just running around with owners unable to control them although there was some that were enjoying themselves but the owners were able to keep them out of the river or stop them crapping in the picnic areas.
I came across 3 different kinds of fungi that I have not photographed yet, I suppose I must get down to looking at them properly some day and finding out their names.
Down by the "Pool Area" I did manage to get some quick shots of a Grey Wagtail which seemed to patrol the same 20m of river back and forward relentlessly.
It was at this point that I started to feel a little off colour and we decided to call it a day. We went straight home. Later on that night I had some really serious balance problems and couldnt even lie down without feeling completely disorientated. A trip to the Walk In Centre on Sunday Morning, then a visit to the Docs on Monday, a few drugs and I am now feeling a bit better even though I started this blog at 1000 and its now 1720 and had about 3 little naps inbetween.
Hopefully I will be fully recovered by the weekend
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