Leaving South Shields I headed straight for Big Waters, thanking god when I arrived, just a couple of lads a bit of banter and some nice birds on view. I dont know whether this tree matches the cormorant or the cormorant matches the tree
Hoi, what are you Sparrows doing, this nyger feeder belongs to us Goldfinches
Swans, dont you just love them.
Alan, I took a couple of pics of all the greylags but they didnt all fit on one pic, on the other pic there is another 7 to the left so you can count them now without any of them daring to move.
Off down to St Marys for a bit of walking, searching and looking. Dropped into the cemetery first and spotted these fantastic looking fungi
You all know Im a real beginner at this so after 15 mins of standing, watching and following the bird below obligingly posed for the photo. Even after looking at it through the bins for 5 of those minutes and looking at the crap pic I still couldnt figure out what it was, an experienced birder nearby (theres always at least a couple within spitting distance at St Marys) took a 2 second look and Reed Bunting came the swift answer (mind working overtime thinks of course it must be a female because I have seen plenty of males, files away for future reference), thanked experience birder, couple of minutes chat and I was off searching again. NOW, that little 25 minutes was more enjoyable and fulfilling than 90 mins of standing at Trow Quarry looking for a bird who I felt was the prisoner in a comic version of Alcatraz with searchlights roaming all over the place.

Now for the best/worst pic of the day. Was watching this Kestrel hovering and got a few pics but as usual they were just silhouettes but as it dropped down looking for an early evening appetiser I got a couple of shots, just before it tried to cook its appetisers goose, off on my super fast 3.6 shots a sec Nikon, alright its out of focus, its got motion blur but so what I like it and it was fun taking.
Have you got any other pictures of that bunting ?
It does look a little bit like a little bunting. It appears to have a small bill (is the culmen straight ?), and a prominent eye ring that would suggest little bunting, also looks to have a peaked crown, good for little bunting....
However the picture is not clear enough to see other features, is there a neat black border running around the ear coverts ? Little buntings show this but I can't see this in the photo, so it could be a reed bunting ?!!
Not much help, sorry, but more pics would be useful...
Hi John
Thanks for sending the other 2 pictures through. I reckon this bird is a reed bunting. It seems to lack that neat black ear covert border on the other pics too, the eye ring appears less prominent on one pic, and the malar shows up better on the other pics as being quite thick and dark.
I zoomed in on the culmen and I'm not convinced its straight... so all this points to reed bunting.....
Also if we forget the fine detail stand back and look at the structure of the bird it appears reed bunting like, its got a big thick tail, which shows up better on the other pics too....
Was your bird flicking its tail (exposing the white outer tail feathers) while you watched it ? Reed buntings often do this....
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