Well not the greatest week/weekends birding in the annals of my long !!!! birding history. Last week was curtailed by work, only geting to look outside the office on one lunchtime, my viewing was restricted to 07:00 when I was refilling feeders/clearing paper and crap away which those Southerlies blow straight up the street. Anyway one early morning shot and a couple from a lunchtime. Nice Dunnock taken with flash about 07.10 .

Greenfinch and Bluetit discussing the finer points of peanut eating

Finally a Mistle Thrush, one of a pair that just spends a lot of time hopping from 1 tree to another, sits there for about 10-15secs then moves onto the next. When they get to the last tree (about 7 trees) they then fly back to the first one and start all over again. Have seen them do this a few times.

Saturday morning up early and down to The Toon for Xmas Shopping, not arriving at Big Waters till about 10.45, missing Graham who was just leaving (Pity, I always learn "stuff" from him). Lots of the usual suspects around with the Sparrowhawk emptying the feeding station on at least 3 occassions. The Sygnets were out having a couple of practice takeoffs and landings and when they landed I thought they were going to hit the hide.
Went for a wander round the reserve with Alan J and came across several deer hoofmarks alas nothing to fit in them.
Had a wander through the Scrubs on the opposite side of the car park which was alive with Blackbirds, Fieldfare and Tits.
Popped back home to see the beloved and the garden was absolutely chocker full of birds. Beloved had replenished some of the feeders and put some Melon Seeds, Fruit Cake and Cheese out which was causing quite a hive of activity. A new pole with a couple of feeders on was also causing a bit of a queue. Beloved also informed me that when I was shopping she didnt want her normal Chloe and Elizabeth Arden but wanted to try something new called Poison and some Chanel for a change. Would gladly have supplied the "Poison" there and then as I reminded her I had just returned from Christmas Shopping to which she replied "Thats Good Then". Shook head and walked away puzzled.

Shot off down to St Marys but the tide was just about at Bottom Water and there were people all over the place with their loverley little kids and dogs. The Lapwings and Golden Plover were taking off every 30 secs or so after being disturbed by forementioned people etc. Nothing on the North Beach due to it being cruised by quite a few "young uns" sipping a tonic prepared by Mr Carlsberg. The Coastguard and police turned up and said "young uns" left. The only place to really see any action was the carpark where the Gulls waiting for Chips to be deposited by people whose eyes were bigger than their stomachs. I have got to admit though it is fun watching them and must have taken about 40pics of them diving in screeching. Although the one below is not one of them I just liked it.

Sunday was a bit of a washout due to Xmas Shopping once again and a quick trip to Big W for a couple of hours but didnt bother taking pics. Cant wait for Friday, 3 weeks off and hopefully plenty of time to have a run out to new places and those I havent been to for a while and lose a couple of pounds to fit into the new trousers I bought a size smaller as an incentive !!