Returned on Monday evening from a visit to Martin Mere and the surrounding area. Intended to stop at Leighton Moss but could only get to within 2 miles of it due to the snow so took an enforced slow drive back to Howdon, it took over 6hrs for the journey.
Anyway next morning I was up and out to Big Waters and on Wednesday and today. The scenery, even more enhanced by the snow and the wildlife feeding voraciously cannot fail to keep ones attention.

The only spot on the lake that isn't frozen.

Robin tucking into one of my wifes home made Fat Slabs.

Obligatory Robin in Snow Piccie.

A few of over 100 geese arriving for a rest and drink.

The Swans were unable to take to the air as they couldn't build up enough speed and were slipping and sliding all over the ice.

I saw 4 Brambling today, believe it or not they were my first ones.

Well Happy Christmas to everyone.
First Bramblings! And aren't they nice...
Yes they are absolutely lovely and 2 of them were still at Big Waters this morning
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