Then when they left a few Great Tits, Dunnocks and these Blue Tits arrived for their Lunchtime snack:
Then about 7 or 8 Chaffinches dropped in:
No Robins though and 36hrs without the song of a Mistle Thursh. Wandered across the road to the Hospice and my first House Sparrows for a few months were sitting quite happily whilst a bunch of students were smoking away quite happily at the base of the tree.
Whilst taking a couple of snaps with my 300mm non VR lens into a murky sky and trying to remember which way to turn the White Balance (see you dont need a 24 trillion mega pixel, 500mm, 1.4 longer see-er to apologise for taking a bad picture) the students and I started "conversing". Once the initial piss-taking from the students finished I think a couple of them were actually quite interested and the chat lasted for about 10mins, its the first time students have talked to me as I wander round checking feeders and peering into bushes as its normally members of staff, a few of them taking the piss (the comments about out looking for tits feeding on my balls does become tiresome specially when its from the women).
I know these are run of the mill birds but I get constant pleasure from seeing them and whilst a "Red Breasted Yellowneck Duck" would be quite welcome Im quite happy watching the Chaffies, Finches, Gulls or literally anything that flies by.
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