The lake also had a couple of Female Goosander and a pair of Goldeneyes but neither of them came close enough for any decent pics so heres another couple of the Ring-tailed Ducks

Also present was plenty of Mallards, Coots, a couple of Gadwall and a pair of Mute Swans.

Headed off to Headland (my first visit) where there were 2 big flocks of Eiders about 400yds offshore, along with 3 Red Throated Diver and a Long Tailed Duck but all I could see was a blur through the bins but a chap further along (with a scope)assured me it was. On the south side of the Headland was 40+ Oystercatchers, 15 Purple Sandpiper, several Cormorants, lots of Turnstones and 3 Seals cavorting about. A nice place to just chill and stroll along the promenade and see plenty of activity with a soundtrack of House Sparrows and various Tits in the gardens behind you.
Also present was plenty of Mallards, Coots, a couple of Gadwall and a pair of Mute Swans.
Toddled off back to the Feeding Stations and spotted my first Brambling of the year (Tick 100) and also this big fella who was out within 30 secs of the feed being put out for the birds.
Headed off to Headland (my first visit) where there were 2 big flocks of Eiders about 400yds offshore, along with 3 Red Throated Diver and a Long Tailed Duck but all I could see was a blur through the bins but a chap further along (with a scope)assured me it was. On the south side of the Headland was 40+ Oystercatchers, 15 Purple Sandpiper, several Cormorants, lots of Turnstones and 3 Seals cavorting about. A nice place to just chill and stroll along the promenade and see plenty of activity with a soundtrack of House Sparrows and various Tits in the gardens behind you.
I hooked up on yer blog half expecting to read that you had received a letter from the Queen congratulating you on your birthday and reaching the ripe old age of 100. I was disappointed to see it was just on about bloody birds. Is this all some people think about!!!!!! Whats all this list palaver?
Mr Angry
The Chap at Cowpen is called Ian canny lad he is. He took me into the alders to show me his Redpoll ;-)
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