Last Friday was up and away early, arriving at Newton at 06.35. A quick walk along the beach and was at Long Nanny for my first visit by 07.00. It was quite a site. Mainly Artic Terns but I could also see a few Little Terns. Also spotted 3 Roseate Terns which was confirmed by the Wardens saying there was 3 not 2(anyway what I said was those 2 look a bit different (size actually) and when they eventually turned around you could see the beak then) and also they pointed out straight away the longer tail which I didnt know about. Took a couple of photos of the general area so think they are on the pic below (somewhere).

This chap was obviously on the pull flashing his big one about as I doubt if it was for consumption (too big)but just to impress the gals

The shy retiring you female

This chap or chappess sat on top of the Wardens Hut and screeched continously at the goings on

Eventually the Gentleman and Lady had their first romantic encounter (not)

After a few minutes of argy bargy the lady finally accepted the big one (fish that is)

Could have stayed for ages but had to go to the Farnes so after a quick 2.5hrs I set off back along the beach only to come across this Pipit sitting on the fluorescent rope they use for marking the out of bounds areas - I just thought it was a great pic

"The Sentinel"
P.S. Thanks to the 2 Wardens (Lady and Gentleman) who were an absolute font of knowledge
I thought you'd gone up this morning for the Temmincks Stint. Bloody early start that thought i.
Yes, he did have a biggun, was his name Ivor?
Nice pics John
Did you go to the farnes i was gonna plan a trip with you and Johnny
Nice pics dad
yep I went to the Farnes afterwards but plan to go again to go to Inner Farne this time (boats only leave for it after 12)
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