Managed to get to Shibdon every morning this week before work for 1 to 2 hrs and despite seeing 6 Little Egrets, 3 Green Sandpipers, 2 Greenshanks, Spotted Crake, Garganey, Female Mandarin, god knows how many Water Rail, countless views of the Kingfisher and the hundreds of other birds that "hang out" or pass through there, the highlight was once again the smiling face of the wife when she handed me the camera on Friday and said have a look through my latest bunch of pics. Sure enough there was a Garden Lifer

There is always that little extra feeling when your own little plot throws up another tick (this being No 35). Other notable views of the week in the Garden was the Sparrowhawk on 3 occassions but only succeeding on 1, the return of at least 5 Goldfinches after a couple of months absence, the Juvenile Lesser Black Backed Gull sliding down the roof several times a day and having to fly off instead of stopping near the gutter like his mother/father does with ease and having a dig in it looking for a delicacy.
Anyway a few pics from Shibdon this week.
Finally a shot from the office across the Redheugh Bridge on Thursday morning when the mist was rolling along the Tyne Valley.
Thats a great garden sighting John
it certainly is but once again it was the wife who saw it.
I want one of those Woodpecker things for my garden!
You haven't been putting them under your coat at Muddy then bringing them home , i hope.
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